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disaster risk management

Sindh Flood Emergency Rehabilitation Project

Submitted by sjudson on
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The Sindh Flood Emergency Rehabilitation Project aims to rehabilitate critical infrastructure, provide short-term livelihood support, and strengthen Sindh’s capacity to manage climate change impacts and natural hazards. The project integrates Nature-Based Solutions (NBS), including wetland restoration, vegetative riverbank protection, and greening initiatives, into hybrid flood risk management strategies.

Resilient Infrastructure for Adaptation and Vulnerability Reduction

Submitted by sjudson on
Est. Monetary Cost
(Today's US$)
Est Monetary Benefits

The Resilient Infrastructure for Adaptation and Vulnerability Reduction Project aims to reduce vulnerability to riverine and flash floods in targeted communities and enhance disaster preparedness. The project supports afforestation activities, including planting trees and grass, to reinforce soil, reduce surface run-off, and improve resilience to flood risks.

Sindh Resilience Project

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
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The project pilots new techniques including eco/ bio-engineering solutions for erosion stability such as the use of vegetation to protect embankments from scouring.

Saramacca Canal System Rehabilitation Project

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
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The project will use green solutions may also be trialed to remove pollution, such as introducing flood retention areas (ponds or wetlands) with recreational amenities, establishing green corridor parks, and introducing permeable paving to encourage infiltration or bioretention areas with enhanced vegetation and filtration.

Pakistan Hydromet and Climate Services Project

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
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The project has been restructured to include nature-based solutions, which aligns with their NDC ambitions. They will use NBS relating to forests, conservation, and other to meet PDO. The work will be implemented by the National Disaster Risk Management Fund. It will also have community resilience component.

Medium-size Cities Integrated Urban Development Project Additional Financing

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Est. Monetary Cost
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The project will dekiver road rehabilitation and new road works and pavements using weather resistant paving material to withstand extreme weather events, introducing the use of green and nature-based infrastructure to mitigate floods and, when necessary, constructing wider drains and culverts to accommodate heavy precipitation, undertaking slope stabilization to protect against climate risks.

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