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Nghe An Province’s Vinh City Priority Infrastructure and Urban Resilience Development Project

Submitted by sjudson on
Est. Monetary Cost
(Today's US$)
Est Monetary Benefits

The development objective of the Nghe An Province’s Vinh City Priority Infrastructure and Urban Resilience Development Project for Vietnam is to reduce flood risk in the core urban area, strengthen capacity for urban resilience management, and support the development of integrated infrastructure in Vinh city. The project comprises of four components.

Türkiye Flood and Drought Management Project

Submitted by sjudson on
Est. Monetary Cost
Est Monetary Benefits

The objectives of the Flood and Drought Management Project are to increase flood control for people living in selected areas of Türkiye and to strengthen the country's institutional capacity for flood and drought risk management. There are four components to the project, the first component being Flood Management. This component includes two subcomponents: flood control, and flood monitoring, forecasting, and warning systems. The second component is the drought management.

Panama Second Climate Resilience and Green Growth DPL

Submitted by sjudson on
Est. Monetary Cost
Est Monetary Benefits

The development objective is to establish policy foundations to foster low-emission and sustainable economic growth and climate change resilience. The DPL will support reforms to enhance climate planning and governance, including those that promote plans and programs to restore terrestrial and marine areas to provide protection from storm surges.

Uttarakhand Disaster Preparedness and Resilience Project

Submitted by sjudson on
Est. Monetary Cost
(Today's US$)
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The project aims to enhance the climate and disaster resilience of critical public infrastructure and strengthen disaster risk management capacity in Uttarakhand. The project will reduce landslide risks through bioengineering solutions and mitigate fire hazards by restoring degraded land.

Assam Resilient Rural Bridges Program

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Est. Monetary Cost
(Today's US$)
Est Monetary Benefits

The development objective of the Assam Resilient Rural Bridges Program for India is to build green, inclusive, and resilient connectivity in rural Assam and strengthen the Assam Public Works Roads Department’s (APWRD) roads and bridges management capability.

Costa Rica Climate Resilient Recovery and Territorial Development Project

Submitted by sjudson on
Est. Monetary Cost
(Today's US$)
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The PDO is to increase access to disaster and climate resilient infrastructure and services in selected regions of the Republic of Costa Rica. The project will support grey and grey infrastructure interventions to address fluvial and pluvial flooding. 

Colombia Green and Resilient DPO

Submitted by sjudson on
Est. Monetary Cost
Est Monetary Benefits

The development objective of the Green and Resilient Development Policy Operation for Colombia is to accelerate climate action by: (i) advancing the low-carbon energy transition; (ii) promoting sustainable land use; and (iii) building resilience and adaptation to climate change. This development policy loan (DPL) is fully aligned with core priorities of the new government, which is committed to accelerating the implementation of the low-carbon and resilient development agenda.

China: Yellow River Basin Ecological Protection and Environmental Pollution Control Program (Gansu and Shandong) "

Submitted by sjudson on
Est. Monetary Cost
(Today's US$)
Est Monetary Benefits

The Program Development Objective is to improve land and water resource management and restore degraded ecosystems in selected areas in the Yellow River Basin in Gansu Province and Shandong Province. The project will increase local flood mitigation capacity by restoring wetlands and rivers.

Chile - Water Transition Program

Submitted by sjudson on
Est. Monetary Cost
(Today's US$)
Est Monetary Benefits

The development objective of the Water Transition Program for Chile is to strengthen the Borrower’s capacity for water resource management and water-related services. The Bank operation (PforR or Program) will support key activities of the Government of Chile (GoC’s) program.

Bolivia Resilient Water Management for Community and Household Irrigation Project

Submitted by sjudson on
Est. Monetary Cost
Est Monetary Benefits

The development objective of the Resilient Water Management for Community and Household Irrigation Project for Bolivia is to improve integrated water resources management in selected basins and increase the resilience to climate variability of vulnerable rural families in selected micro basins. The project comprises of four components. The first component, water resources planning, and pre-investment studies will fund studies that seek to address, respond to, and build capacity on present and anticipated impacts of climate change on water resources.

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