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Volcanoes Community Resilience Project

Submitted by sjudson on
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The objective of the Volcanoes Community Resilience Project for Rwanda is to reduce the risk of flooding, strengthen watershed management, and improve livelihoods of people in the project area. There are five components to the project, the first component being flood risk management. This component seeks to reduce flood risks in the Volcano and Vunga corridor by implementing comprehensive flood risk reduction interventions and by improving flood early warning systems (FEWS) and community-level flood preparedness.

Rwanda-Emergency Connectivity Restoration Project

Submitted by sjudson on
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The objective of the Emergency Connectivity Restoration Project for Rwanda is to restore the connectivity in areas of Rwanda affected by floods and landslides in a climate-resilient manner. There are four components to the project, the first component being rehabilitation and repair of damaged transport infrastructure in a resilient and safe manner. This component includes four subcomponents: rehabilitation of national roads, rehabilitation of district roads, and rehabilitation of bridges.

Kigali Logistics Platform Connectivity Development Project

Submitted by sjudson on
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The objectives of the Project are to improve resilient and safe connectivity from the KLP (Masaka) to the regional logistics corridors and support local and regional economic activities around the corridors. The project will plant 7,000 trees alongside upgraded roads to combat land degradation, erosion, and landslides.


Second Rwanda Urban Development Project

Submitted by sjudson on
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The Second Rwanda Urban Development Project aims to improve access to services, enhance resilience, and strengthen urban planning in Kigali and six secondary cities. The project focuses on wetland rehabilitation and Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) to reduce flood risks, enhance biodiversity, and improve resilience.

Rwanda NDC Deep Dive: Advancing Financial Innovation to scale up Climate Action

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
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The project will support the design nd pilot implementation of the Community Adaptation Fund (CAF) in the Gicumbi District. This includes piloting landscape restoration in the Gicumbi District through the CAF on investments such as catchment restoration and rehabilitation through reforestation, silvo-pastoralism and other watershed protection measures that have demonstrated community resilience to climate change. The project will also support the development of flagship programs such as Water Security for All Flagship Program.

Landscape Approach to Forest Restoration and Conservation (LAFREC)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Est. Monetary Cost
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This project implemented by the Government of Rwanda was to demonstrate landscape management for enhanced environmental services and climate resilience in one priority landscape. Specifically, the project restored the highly degraded Gishwati-Mukura landscape, enhancing both productive and environmental values.

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