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landslides & erosion

Northern Congo Agroforestry Project

Submitted by sjudson on
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The Northern Congo Agroforestry Project aims to strengthen climate-smart agriculture and conservation practices in Community Development Zones in the departments of Sangha and Likouala. The project includes activities to establish tree nurseries, provide seedlings, and promote sustainable forest resource management and agroforestry practices to enhance resilience and biodiversity conservation.

Niger Integrated Urban Development and Multi-sectoral Resilience Project

Submitted by sjudson on
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(Today's US$)
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The Niger Integrated Urban Development and Multi-sectoral Resilience Project aims to enhance flood resilience, improve urban management, and expand access to basic services in selected municipalities in Niger. The project includes flood risk reduction measures, such as drainage infrastructure and sand dune fixation, as well as urban greening to mitigate temperatures and preserve forests. These initiatives promote sustainable urban development and improve resilience in vulnerable communities.

Niger Community Action Project for Climate Resilience

Submitted by sjudson on
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The Niger Community Action Project for Climate Resilience aims to improve the resilience of populations and production systems to climate change in targeted Communes. The project focuses on mainstreaming climate resilience into development strategies, integrating resilience practices into agro-sylvo-pastoral systems, and ensuring effective coordination and monitoring of project activities. These interventions aim to enhance adaptation to climate variability and protect vulnerable communities.

Natural Resources Management in a Changing Climate in Mali

Submitted by sjudson on
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The Natural Resources Management in a Changing Climate Project aims to expand the adoption of sustainable land and water management practices in Mali. Key components include scaling up sustainable land management to improve biodiversity and reverse deforestation, diversifying local livelihoods to enhance resilience, and building capacity for governance and communication. The project promotes a landscape approach to protect ecosystems and their services while addressing climate change challenges.

Msimbazi Basin Development Project

Submitted by sjudson on
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The Msimbazi Basin Development Project aims to strengthen flood resilience and integrated urban development in the Msimbazi River Basin in Dar es Salaam. The project focuses on flood control, urban redevelopment, resettlement of vulnerable communities, institutional strengthening for basin management, and providing rapid response to emergencies. Key activities include hydraulic improvements, erosion control, resilient infrastructure, and watershed management.

Mauritania Sustainable Landscape Management Project under the SAWAP

Submitted by sjudson on
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The Mauritania Sustainable Landscape Management Project aims to strengthen sustainable landscape management in productive ecosystems. Key interventions include vegetation enrichment, construction of stone bunds, and zai pits to enhance soil productivity and reduce land degradation, contributing to ecosystem resilience.

Malawi: Shire River Basin Management Program (Phase-I) Project

Submitted by sjudson on
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The Shire River Basin Management Program (Phase-I) Project aims to develop a planning framework to improve land and water management for ecosystem and livelihood benefits in target areas. The project includes Shire Basin planning, catchment management to reduce erosion and improve livelihoods, and water-related infrastructure investments to regulate Shire flows and enhance climate resilience. These efforts support disaster risk management through watershed rehabilitation and improved management.

Malawi Floods Emergency Recovery Project

Submitted by sjudson on
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The Malawi Floods Emergency Recovery Project aims to sustainably restore agricultural livelihoods, reconstruct critical public infrastructure to improved standards in the flood-affected districts, and improve the Government of Malawi’s disaster response and recovery capacities. The project includes components for livelihoods restoration, infrastructure rehabilitation, disaster resilience promotion, and program management.

Uttarakhand Decentralized Watershed Development II

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Est. Monetary Cost
(Today's US$)
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The objective of the Uttarakhand Decentralized Watershed Development Project (II) is to increase the efficiency of natural resource use and productivity of rainfed agriculture by participating communities in selected microwatersheds of the State of Uttarakhand.

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