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The Knowledge Hub

Welcome to our Knowledge Hub! Here you will find an ever-growing collection of the latest reports, case studies, and other knowledge products that can guide and inform the development of nature-based solutions projects. Feel free to browse through our selection of knowledge products below.

Showing Results 1 - 5 of 16
  • Report
    Access to actionable information that outlines opportunities for nature-based solutions (NBS) investments at early stages of project design is essential for enabling the scale up of these solutions, which can effectively reduce climate risks, while bringing important socioeconomic benefits. This report summarizes how the Nature-Based Solutions Opportunity Scan (NBSOS) can support the World Bank, its clients, and development partners to identify NBS investment opportunities, understand the associated benefits, and integrate these interventions into projects.
  • Report
    The report provides evidence of the drivers of risks in Bangladesh’s coastal zone, analyzes what has been achieved so far in reducing these risks, and reviews the lessons learned from these achievements.
  • Report
    The report compares the costs and benefits of mangrove restoration and conservation using a nation-wide spatial cost-benefit analysis (CBA).
  • Report
    This report relies on a combination of existing and pro¬totype InVEST models to map and model the value of services provided by the Haizhu National Wetland Park in Guangzhou (China). The report also demonstrates a globally generalizable approach to urban ecosystem service valuation.
  • Report
    An assessment of effectiveness and economic analysis showed that restoration of floodplain processes, including mangrove preservation and regrowth, is a crucial element of building coastal resilience for Paramaribo.