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Regional Climate Resilience Program for Eastern and Southern Africa 2 Project

Submitted by sjudson on
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The objective of the Second Regional Climate Resilience Program for Eastern and Southern Africa Project is to improve resilience to water-related climate shocks in Malawi and in the Eastern and Southern Africa region, and in case of an eligible crisis or emergency, to respond promptly and effectively to it. There are five components to the project, the first component being risk management and climate financing.

Food Systems Resilience Program for Eastern and Southern Africa (Phase 3)

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The development objectives of the Third Phase of the Food Systems Resilience Program for Eastern and Southern Africa Project for Eastern and Southern Africa, Kenya, Comoros, Malawi, Somalia are to increase resilience of food systems and the Recipient’s preparedness for food insecurity in project areas, and, in case of an eligible crisis or emergency, to respond promptly and effectively to it. The project comprises of six components.

Malawi: Shire River Basin Management Program (Phase-I) Project

Submitted by sjudson on
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The Shire River Basin Management Program (Phase-I) Project aims to develop a planning framework to improve land and water management for ecosystem and livelihood benefits in target areas. The project includes Shire Basin planning, catchment management to reduce erosion and improve livelihoods, and water-related infrastructure investments to regulate Shire flows and enhance climate resilience. These efforts support disaster risk management through watershed rehabilitation and improved management.

Malawi Resilience and Disaster Risk Management Project

Submitted by sjudson on
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The Malawi Resilience and Disaster Risk Management Project aims to strengthen disaster risk management (DRM) systems, build resilience among vulnerable communities, and support disaster preparedness and recovery efforts. Key components include resilient infrastructure, risk reduction initiatives, and capacity building to enhance disaster response effectiveness.

Malawi Floods Emergency Recovery Project

Submitted by sjudson on
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The Malawi Floods Emergency Recovery Project aims to sustainably restore agricultural livelihoods, reconstruct critical public infrastructure to improved standards in the flood-affected districts, and improve the Government of Malawi’s disaster response and recovery capacities. The project includes components for livelihoods restoration, infrastructure rehabilitation, disaster resilience promotion, and program management.

Lower Shire Valley Landscape Project

Submitted by sjudson on
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The Shire Valley Transformation Program aims to increase agricultural productivity and commercialization for targeted households in the Shire Valley and to improve the sustainable management and utilization of natural resources. The project development objectives (PDO) are to provide access to reliable gravity-fed irrigation and drainage services, secure land tenure for smallholder farmers, and strengthen management of wetlands and protected areas. Additionally, the project will develop and improve wetland management.

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