The objective of the Second Regional Climate Resilience Program for Eastern and Southern Africa Project is to improve resilience to water-related climate shocks in Malawi and in the Eastern and Southern Africa region, and in case of an eligible crisis or emergency, to respond promptly and effectively to it. There are five components to the project, the first component being risk management and climate financing. The objective of this component is to build regional and national institutional capacity in watershed and catchment management; and to strengthen cooperation on climate and related disasters risk management and climate financing. This component includes four subcomponents: consolidating and Implementing basin plans, emergency preparedness and response and early warning systems, strengthening Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) capacity to facilitate access to climate finance, and capacity building to enhance hydromet systems and climate finance. The second component is the infrastructure investments and sustainable asset management for climate resilience. This component includes three subcomponents: basin-level infrastructure development, district-led resilience building, and capacity building to strengthen flood and drought risk vulnerability analysis and O&M of flood protective infrastructure. The third component is the adaptive climate services for resilient. This component includes three subcomponents: expanding social registry in urban areas, design and pilot urban climate smart public works program, and mainstreaming climate resilience in social protection and empowering communities. The fourth component is the project management. This component will finance project management activities, equipment and materials, and TA in Malawi (US15 million dollars) and AU (US1.5 million dollars) to ensure that the project is compliant with World Bank fiduciary and environment and social (E&S) risk management procedures and standards. Finally, the fifth component is the contingent emergency response component. The project will develop basin plans for catchment management and land and forest restoration to manage flood risks. It will also support local governing bodies to implement urban public works, including restoring green areas to mitigate climate risks.