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Bolivia Resilient Water Management for Community and Household Irrigation Project

Submitted by sjudson on
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The development objective of the Resilient Water Management for Community and Household Irrigation Project for Bolivia is to improve integrated water resources management in selected basins and increase the resilience to climate variability of vulnerable rural families in selected micro basins. The project comprises of four components. The first component, water resources planning, and pre-investment studies will fund studies that seek to address, respond to, and build capacity on present and anticipated impacts of climate change on water resources.

Bolivia Climate Resilience - Integrated Basin Management

Submitted by sjudson on
Est. Monetary Cost
Est Monetary Benefits

The development objective of the Climate Resilience - Integrated Basin Management Project for Bolivia is to support the implementation of Borrower's strategic program for climate resilience by: (a) strengthening the Borrower's institutional capacity to define the new integrated river basin management approach to climate change adaptation; and (b) supporting its implementation in three pilot sub-basins in the Rio Grande basin. The project improved natural resources management through the implementation of land and water conservation sub-project

Bolivia Urban Resilience

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Est. Monetary Cost
(Today's US$)
Est Monetary Benefits

The project is aiming to increase the resilience of two urban areas. This will include green spaces along the Pirai Metropolitan River Park, the development of an integral management plan for the park, and other green buffers along side the Irpavi and orkohauira rivers to prevent flooding and ensure slope stabilization.

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