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Third Additional Financing for Strengthen Ethiopia’s Adaptive Safety Net Project

Submitted by sjudson on
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(Today's US$)
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The development objectives of Third Additional Financing for Strengthen Ethiopia’s Adaptive Safety Net Project are (a) to expand geographic coverage and enhance service delivery of Ethiopia’s adaptive rural safety net to improve the well-being of extremely poor and vulnerable households in drought prone communities, and (b) in case of an Eligible Early Response Financing Event (“Eligible ERF Event”), respond promptly and effectively to it. This project has three components.

Lowlands Livelihood Resilience Project, Phase Two (LLRP II)

Submitted by sjudson on
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The project aims to improve the livelihoods and climate resilience of pastoral and agropastoral communities in the lowlands of Ethiopia. The project will implement NBS for flood risk mitigation, as well as wetland protection and maintenance to counter flood and drought risks. 


Horn of Africa - Ground Water for Resilience Project

Submitted by sjudson on
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The project aims to increase the sustainable access and management of groundwater in the Horn of Africa's borderlands. It will support aquifer sustainability (recharge) and flood mitigation measures, including sand dams, rainwater harvesting, afforestation, and soil and water conservation measures.

Ethiopia Urban Institutional and Infrastructure Development Program

Submitted by sjudson on
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The project aimed to enhance the institutional performance of participating urban local governments to develop and sustain urban infrastructure, services, and local economic development. Project activities included creating urban parks, public spaces, and greenery development projects as part of urban resilience.

Ethiopia Resilient Landscapes and Livelihoods Project

Submitted by sjudson on
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(Today's US$)
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The Resilient Landscapes and Livelihoods Project of Ethiopia has the objectives to improve climate resilience, land productivity and carbon storage, and increase access to diversified livelihood activities in selected rural watersheds. This project is comprised of four components: (1) Green infrastructure and resilient livelihoods component will support the restoration of degraded landscapes in selected watersheds and help build resilient livelihoods on this newly productive foundation.

Ethiopia Flood Management Project

Submitted by sjudson on
Est. Monetary Cost
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The development objective of the Flood Management Project for Ethiopia is to strengthen Ethiopia’s institutional capacity for disaster risk management (DRM), and flood risk management in selected basins. The project comprises of four components. The first component, strengthening institutional and coordination capacity for disaster risk management aims to improve the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) DRM by strengthening the institutional capacity of federal-level agencies (including priority sectors) and the coordination between federal and decentralized levels of the government.

Sustainable Land Management Project

Submitted by sjudson on
Est. Monetary Cost
(Today's US$)
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The Sustainable Land Management Project in Ethiopia seeks to reduce land degradation and enhance land productivity in targeted watersheds. It supports the scaling up of sustainable land and water management practices, strengthens institutional capacity, improves land tenure security, and promotes knowledge sharing for sustainable natural resource management.

Second Ethiopia Resilient Landscapes and Livelihoods Project

Submitted by sjudson on
Est. Monetary Cost
(Today's US$)
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The Second Ethiopia Resilient Landscapes and Livelihoods Project aims to improve climate resilience, land productivity, and carbon storage, and increase access to diversified livelihoods in selected rural watersheds. The project focuses on watershed restoration, climate-smart agriculture, and strengthening institutions and information for better decision-making. It supports sustainable rural development and improved environmental resilience in Ethiopia.

Ethiopia Sustainable Land Management-II

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Est. Monetary Cost
(Today's US$)
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The project's development and global environment objective is to reduce land degradation and improve land productivity in selected watersheds in targeted regions in Ethiopia. The project implemented sustainable land management (SLM) and afforestation to remedy gullies and erosion damage, while also increasing capacity for adoption of climate-smart techniques.

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