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Senegal River Basin Climate Change Resilience Development Project

Submitted by sjudson on
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The Senegal River Basin Multi-Purpose Water Resources Development (MWRD2) Project was the second phase of a 10-year program designed to enhance regional integration among the countries of the Senegal River Basin for multi-purpose water resources development, to foster improved community livelihoods. The MWRD2 Project Development Objective was to improve coordinated management of water resources for socially, environmentally and economically sustainable development in the Senegal River Basin.

Landscape Restoration Project - Mali

Submitted by sjudson on
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The project aims to strengthen institutional capacity for landscape restoration and climate resilience in Mali through territorial planning and conflict reduction strategies. It invests in restoring landscapes and ecosystem services while improving local livelihoods by creating income-earning opportunities. Coordination, monitoring, and emergency response mechanisms ensure effective implementation and resilience to climate impacts.

Bamako Urban Resilience Project

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The development objective of the Bamako Urban Resilience Project for Mali is to improve access to urban waste, sanitation, and water services, increase resilience to floods in selected vulnerable areas of the district of Bamako and targeted neighboring communes, and strengthen urban management capacity. The project comprises of six components.

Natural Resources Management in a Changing Climate in Mali

Submitted by sjudson on
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The Natural Resources Management in a Changing Climate Project aims to expand the adoption of sustainable land and water management practices in Mali. Key components include scaling up sustainable land management to improve biodiversity and reverse deforestation, diversifying local livelihoods to enhance resilience, and building capacity for governance and communication. The project promotes a landscape approach to protect ecosystems and their services while addressing climate change challenges.

Natural Resource Management in a Changing Climate in Mali

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
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The objective of the project “Natural Resource Management in a Changing Climate in Mali” is to expand the adoption of sustainable land and water management (SLWM) practices in climate vulnerable targeted communes in Mali. The Government of Mali aims to achieve this through the implementation of capacity building, biodiversity conservation, and support to poverty reduction activities applying an ecosystem-based adaptation approach. This approach will enable project beneficiaries in 14 communities across three provinces to adapt to climate change and ultimately to increase their resilience.

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