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Coastal Watersheds Conservation in the Context of Climate Change Project

Submitted by sjudson on
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To promote integrated environmental management of selected coastal watersheds as a means to conserve biodiversity, contribute to climate change mitigation, and enhance sustainable land use. Financed subprojects included restoration of coral reef, watershed management, soil conservation, restoration of forests, and agroforestry.

Chad - Refugees and Host Communities Support Project

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The objectives of the Refugees and Host Communities Support Project for Chad are to improve access of refugees and host communities to basic services, livelihoods, and safety nets, and strengthen country systems to manage refugees. There are four components to the project, the first component being improving access to basic services. This component will support improved access to basic services, particularly health and education, with investments to rehabilitate or build new public service infrastructure in targeted areas, and to manage operation of the facilities.

Cambodia Sustainable Landscape and Ecotourism Project

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The Project Development Objective is to improve protected areas management, and to promote ecotourism
opportunities and non-timber forest product value chains in the Cardamom Mountains-Tonle Sap landscape. The project aims to sustain and increase forest cover which will reduce soil erosion, maintain or improve water quality for downstream users, provide protection to farms and villages located in floodprone areas, reduce GHG emissions, and protect critical natural habitats. 

Cabo Verde Human Capital Project

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The development objective of Human Capital Project for is to improve access to basic services and labor market relevant training in Cabo Verde. This project has five components. 1) Support education system reforms to better prepare in-school youth for future employment, with the following sub-components: (i) Ensure all youth in secondary education acquire skills relevant to the labor market; (ii) Strengthen the system for teacher professional development; and (iii) Monitor learning outcomes and use results to improve education quality.

Brazil Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Project Phase 2

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The objectives of the Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Project are to expand the area under legal protection and improve management of Protected Areas, and increase the area under restoration and sustainable management in the Brazilian Amazon. There are four components to the project, the first component being amazon protected areas system. This component aims to expand and consolidate an over-60-million-ha PA system in the Brazilian Amazon and advance ongoing efforts to secure its long-term financial sustainability by capitalizing the ARPA Transition Fund.

BR Espirito Santo Integrated Sustainable Water Management Project

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The objectives of the Project are to: (a) improve sustainable water resources management, and (b) increase access to sanitation in the Borrower’s territory. The project seeks to improve watershed management, including through reforestation and improved land management.

Benin: Gazetted Forests Management Project

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The development objective of the Gazetted Forests Management Project for Benin is to improve the integrated management of targeted Gazetted Forests, to increase access of the main consumption cities to fuelwood produced sustainably, and to strengthen selected non-timber forest product value chains for forest-dependent communities. The project aims to promote agroforestry to reduce deforestation and forest degradation, as well as conduct vegetation/reforestation activities to regenerate degraded land.

Agro-Climatic Resilience in Semi-Arid Landscapes (ACReSAL)

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The development objective of the Agro-Climatic Resilience in Semi-Arid Landscapes (ACReSAL) Project for Nigeria is to increase the implementation of sustainable landscape management practices in targeted watersheds in northern Nigeria and strengthen Nigeria’s long-term enabling environment for integrated climate-resilient landscape management. The project comprises of four components. The first component, dryland management will implement integrated watershed management planning and addresses challenges of large-scale watershed degradation in northern Nigeria.

Second Ethiopia Resilient Landscapes and Livelihoods Project

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The Second Ethiopia Resilient Landscapes and Livelihoods Project aims to improve climate resilience, land productivity, and carbon storage, and increase access to diversified livelihoods in selected rural watersheds. The project focuses on watershed restoration, climate-smart agriculture, and strengthening institutions and information for better decision-making. It supports sustainable rural development and improved environmental resilience in Ethiopia.

Rural Livelihoods Productivity and Resilience Project

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The Rural Livelihoods Productivity and Resilience Project aims to increase productivity and strengthen resilience of rural livelihoods in targeted areas in Madagascar. Key activities include reforestation, watershed management, agroforestry, and promoting climate-smart agriculture, sustainable irrigation, and value chain development to mitigate climate risks and enhance rural livelihoods.

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