The development objective of Human Capital Project for is to improve access to basic services and labor market relevant training in Cabo Verde. This project has five components. 1) Support education system reforms to better prepare in-school youth for future employment, with the following sub-components: (i) Ensure all youth in secondary education acquire skills relevant to the labor market; (ii) Strengthen the system for teacher professional development; and (iii) Monitor learning outcomes and use results to improve education quality. 2) Improve access to labor market relevant professional training for youth and women, with the following sub-components: (i) Improve the employability of professional training graduates; and (ii) Increase the supply of quality professional training courses in tourism and the blue economy. 3) trengthen access to basic services and social and PI for poor and vulnerable, with the following components: (i) Strengthen social protection delivery systems; (ii) Enhance economic and social inclusion for poor and vulnerable households; and (iii) Improve access to basic services and living conditions for poor and vulnerable households. 4) Project Management. 5) Contingent Emergency Response Component (CERC). The project will improve living conditions for poor and vulnerable households, including through afforestation for climate resilience.