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World Bank

Morocco Sustainable Oasis Ecosystems Management Project

Submitted by sjudson on
Est. Monetary Cost
(Today's US$)
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The development objective of Sustainable Oasis Ecosystems Management Project for Morocco is to strengthen the sustainable oasis ecosystems management for climate resilience in Aoufouss and Akka Oasis and develop a national standard for integrated oasis management. This project has three components.

RESILAND CA+ Program: Kyrgyz Republic Resilient Landscape Restoration Project

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Est. Monetary Cost
(Today's US$)
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The development objectives of the Resiland CA+ Program : Kyrgyz Republic Resilient Landscape Restoration Project for Kyrgyz Republic are: (i) to increase the area under sustainable landscape management in selected locations in the Kyrgyz Republic; and (ii) to promote Kyrgyz Republic’s collaboration with other Central Asian countries on transboundary landscape restoration. The project comprises of three components.

Kyrgyz Republic Air Quality Improvement Project

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Est. Monetary Cost
(Today's US$)
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The development objective of Air Quality Improvement Project for Kyrgyz Republic is to i) strengthen the capacity of the Kyrgyz Republic to manage air quality; and ii) reduce net PM2.5 and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in Bishkek. This project has four components. 1) Strengthen Air Quality Management System, has the following components: (i) Enhancing Ambient AQ Data Collection, Analysis, and Dissemination; and (ii) Enhancing AQ Management and Pollution Control.

Uttarakhand Disaster Preparedness and Resilience Project

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The project aims to enhance the climate and disaster resilience of critical public infrastructure and strengthen disaster risk management capacity in Uttarakhand. The project will reduce landslide risks through bioengineering solutions and mitigate fire hazards by restoring degraded land.

Assam Resilient Rural Bridges Program

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Est. Monetary Cost
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The development objective of the Assam Resilient Rural Bridges Program for India is to build green, inclusive, and resilient connectivity in rural Assam and strengthen the Assam Public Works Roads Department’s (APWRD) roads and bridges management capability.

Guyana Coastal Adaptation and Resilience Project

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Est. Monetary Cost
(Today's US$)
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The development objective of Coastal Adaptation and Resilience Project is to enhance climate adaptation and reduce flood risk in urban and rural areas in the coastal plain of Guyana. This project has three components. 1) The first component, Improving drainage infrastructure, has the following sub-components: (i)Repairs to existing sluices; (ii) Rehabilitation or replacement of drainage infrastructure and channel maintenance/rehabilitation; and (iii) Design and Construction Supervision. Consulting services for condition assessments.

Third Additional Financing for Strengthen Ethiopia’s Adaptive Safety Net Project

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Est. Monetary Cost
(Today's US$)
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The development objectives of Third Additional Financing for Strengthen Ethiopia’s Adaptive Safety Net Project are (a) to expand geographic coverage and enhance service delivery of Ethiopia’s adaptive rural safety net to improve the well-being of extremely poor and vulnerable households in drought prone communities, and (b) in case of an Eligible Early Response Financing Event (“Eligible ERF Event”), respond promptly and effectively to it. This project has three components.

Lowlands Livelihood Resilience Project, Phase Two (LLRP II)

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The project aims to improve the livelihoods and climate resilience of pastoral and agropastoral communities in the lowlands of Ethiopia. The project will implement NBS for flood risk mitigation, as well as wetland protection and maintenance to counter flood and drought risks. 


Regional Climate Resilience Program for Eastern and Southern Africa 2 Project

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Est. Monetary Cost
(Today's US$)
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The objective of the Second Regional Climate Resilience Program for Eastern and Southern Africa Project is to improve resilience to water-related climate shocks in Malawi and in the Eastern and Southern Africa region, and in case of an eligible crisis or emergency, to respond promptly and effectively to it. There are five components to the project, the first component being risk management and climate financing.

Costa Rica Climate Resilient Recovery and Territorial Development Project

Submitted by sjudson on
Est. Monetary Cost
(Today's US$)
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The PDO is to increase access to disaster and climate resilient infrastructure and services in selected regions of the Republic of Costa Rica. The project will support grey and grey infrastructure interventions to address fluvial and pluvial flooding. 

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