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Getting Results: Access and Delivery of Quality Education Services in Punjab Project

Submitted by sjudson on
Est. Monetary Cost
Est Monetary Benefits

The objective of the Getting Results: Access and Delivery of Quality Education Services in Punjab Project for Pakistan is to increase girls' and boys' participation rates in pre-primary and primary grades and enhance reading proficiency in primary grades. There are four components to the project, the first component being getting results agenda. This component consists of supporting Punjab’s education reform agenda on interventions known to benefit girls and boys and contributes to all the outcomes in the project. The second component is the building climate-smart classrooms for a sustainable expansion of the school system. Constructing approximately fifty-four hundred (5,400) additional classrooms (grades ECCE to 5), including: (i) prioritizing reconstruction of classrooms and WASH facilities in schools that have been damaged during the most recent floods; (ii) prioritizing girls’ schools as well as schools that can enroll a large share of girls; (iii) provision of furniture that can be flexibly arranged, accessible wheelchair ramps and handrails; (iv) low-cost climate-smart features (such as, heat insulation, use of natural ventilation, use of natural lighting, raised plinths, reflective roofs); (v) climate change mitigation for schools, such as water conservation fittings, rainwater harvesting in high-precipitation areas, and tree planting/afforestation on school grounds; and (vi) using an elevated school design for sites prone to flooding; as well as developing a School Infrastructure Strategy. The third component is the technical assistance, evaluation and project implementation. Providing technical assistance to implement the Project, including Project implementation, monitoring and communication, as follows: (i) technical support to departments implementing the PBCs; (ii) research studies and technical assistance to support third party verification of the PBCs; (iii) project staffing to support implementation; (iv) supervision and monitoring of classroom construction, including compliance with the environmental and social requirements; and (v) strengthening the GBV reporting and response systems within schools to improve standard operating procedures and referral protocols. Finally, the fourth component is the contingent emergency response component. The project will implement climate change mitigation measures for schools, including by planting trees or afforestion on school grounds.

Completion year
Implementation status
Start year
Nature based solutions
Risk Reduction Benefits
Heat reduction