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Senegal River Basin Climate Change Resilience Development Project

Submitted by sjudson on
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(Today's US$)
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The Senegal River Basin Multi-Purpose Water Resources Development (MWRD2) Project was the second phase of a 10-year program designed to enhance regional integration among the countries of the Senegal River Basin for multi-purpose water resources development, to foster improved community livelihoods. The MWRD2 Project Development Objective was to improve coordinated management of water resources for socially, environmentally and economically sustainable development in the Senegal River Basin.

Türkiye Flood and Drought Management Project

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The objectives of the Flood and Drought Management Project are to increase flood control for people living in selected areas of Türkiye and to strengthen the country's institutional capacity for flood and drought risk management. There are four components to the project, the first component being Flood Management. This component includes two subcomponents: flood control, and flood monitoring, forecasting, and warning systems. The second component is the drought management.

Senegal: Integrated Water Security and Sanitation Project

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The objective of the Integrated Water Security and Sanitation Program Multiphase Programmatic Approach (MPA) Including Phase 1 Credit for the Integrated Water Security and Sanitation Project for Senegal is to improve access to safe water supply and sanitation, and to increase resilience to flood and drought risks. There are four components to the project, the first component being water resources management and protection.

Regional Climate Resilience Program for Eastern and Southern Africa 2 Project

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The objective of the Second Regional Climate Resilience Program for Eastern and Southern Africa Project is to improve resilience to water-related climate shocks in Malawi and in the Eastern and Southern Africa region, and in case of an eligible crisis or emergency, to respond promptly and effectively to it. There are five components to the project, the first component being risk management and climate financing.

Chile - Water Transition Program

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The development objective of the Water Transition Program for Chile is to strengthen the Borrower’s capacity for water resource management and water-related services. The Bank operation (PforR or Program) will support key activities of the Government of Chile (GoC’s) program.

Cambodia Water Security Improvement Project

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The objective of the Water Security Improvement Project is to build the foundation for improved water security in Cambodia and increase agricultural productivity in Selected River Basins and to provide an immediate and effective response in case of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency. There are five components to the project, the first component being improve water resources planning and institutions. This component will finance activities that contribute to laying the groundwork for improved water resources management in Cambodia.

Bolivia Resilient Water Management for Community and Household Irrigation Project

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The development objective of the Resilient Water Management for Community and Household Irrigation Project for Bolivia is to improve integrated water resources management in selected basins and increase the resilience to climate variability of vulnerable rural families in selected micro basins. The project comprises of four components. The first component, water resources planning, and pre-investment studies will fund studies that seek to address, respond to, and build capacity on present and anticipated impacts of climate change on water resources.

AR Flood Risk Management Support Project for the City of Buenos Aires

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The development objective of the Flood Risk Management Support Project for the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires for Argentina was to strengthen the autonomous city of Buenos Aires (CABA) to efficiently manage flood risk and improve the drainage systems in the Cildanez basin, Maldonado basin, and Vega basin. The project comprised three components. 1) The first component, institutional development for flood risk management supported the creation of a modern and sustainable framework for flood risk management within CABA.

Water Supply and Wastewater Services Improvement Project

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The development objective of Water Supply and Wastewater Services Improvement Project is to increase access to and improve quality and efficiency of water supply and sanitation services in target areas of the Dominican Republic. This project has five components.

Integrated Water Management and Development Project

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(Today's US$)
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The development objective of the Integrated Water Management and Development Project for Uganda is to improve access to water supply and sanitation services, integrated water resources management, and operational performance of water and sanitation service providers in Project areas. It has four project component. First component, water supply and sanitation in small towns and rural growth centers and support to districts hosting refugees will support activities to improve WSS in selected small towns and RGCs in the Recipient’s territory.

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