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river flooding

Malawi Floods Emergency Recovery Project

Submitted by sjudson on
Est. Monetary Cost
(Today's US$)
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The Malawi Floods Emergency Recovery Project aims to sustainably restore agricultural livelihoods, reconstruct critical public infrastructure to improved standards in the flood-affected districts, and improve the Government of Malawi’s disaster response and recovery capacities. The project includes components for livelihoods restoration, infrastructure rehabilitation, disaster resilience promotion, and program management.

Lower Shire Valley Landscape Project

Submitted by sjudson on
Est. Monetary Cost
(Today's US$)
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The Shire Valley Transformation Program aims to increase agricultural productivity and commercialization for targeted households in the Shire Valley and to improve the sustainable management and utilization of natural resources. The project development objectives (PDO) are to provide access to reliable gravity-fed irrigation and drainage services, secure land tenure for smallholder farmers, and strengthen management of wetlands and protected areas. Additionally, the project will develop and improve wetland management.

Additional Financing to Sierra Leone FSRP

Submitted by sjudson on
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(Today's US$)
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The project aims to increase preparedness against food insecurity and improve the resilience of food systems in participating countries. It will finance sub-projects, including scaling up delivery of climate smart agriculture technologies such as re-afforestation and restoring degraded water catchment areas through tree planting.


Turkey Resilient Landscape Integration Project (TULIP)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
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(Today's US$)
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Investments will include a variety of green infrastructure measures, sustainable and climate-smart agricultural practices, and livelihoods diversification. Green infrastructure will be designed in conjunction with gray infrastructure to optimize the functionality, cost-effectiveness, and resilience of the integrated natural and built system.

Teresina Enhancing Municipal Governance and Quality of Life

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Est. Monetary Cost
(Today's US$)
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The Government of Brazil, through the Municipal Secretariat for Planning, Teresina, is implementing the Teresina Enhancing Municipal Governance and Quality of Life Project for Brazil with the objectives to: a) modernize and improve the management capacity of Teresina Municipal Government in the financial, urban environmental, service delivery, and economic development fields, and b) improve the quality of life of the low-income population of the Lagoas do Norte region of the city.

Sustainable Land and Water Management

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Est. Monetary Cost
(Today's US$)
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The Government of Ghana aims to demonstrate improved sustainable land and water management (SLWM) practices to reduce land degradation and maintain biodiversity in selected microwatersheds and build capacity for upscaling in northern Ghana. The project combines soft and hard investments at the community level with planning activities.

Sindh Resilience Project

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Est. Monetary Cost
(Today's US$)
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The project pilots new techniques including eco/ bio-engineering solutions for erosion stability such as the use of vegetation to protect embankments from scouring.

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