The objective of the assistance delivered to Indonesia and the Philippines under the project Capturing Coral Reef Ecosystem Services was to design and support the uptake of innovative models for valuing mangrove, seagrass, and coral reef ecosystem services with the potential to enhance the sustainability of marine-based enterprise and marine spatial planning in select coastal communities in Indonesia and the Philippines. CCRES's had three integrated components: (i) quantifying the value and market potential of coral reef and mangrove ecosystem services; (ii) forging community-led innovation in capturing and sustaining benefits from marine ecosystem services and enhancing resilience in the face of climate change; and (iii) promoting behavioral change through outreach, decision support and regional learning from results in selected field sites. The outcome was the development of a myriad of tools to help capture the benefits of mangroves, seagrass, and coral reefs, and ensured these would be adopted broadly through workshops and dissemination.