This component focuses on incorporating innovative technologies in community-based sustainable NRM. Subcomponents include (a) addressing climate change impacts on water resources and agriculture by promoting innovative climate-smart NRM technologies and (b) alleviating negative impacts of environmental degradation and climate change on livelihoods. Specific areas of activities include (a) rangeland management and rehabilitation using innovative locally tested land techniques, (b) preparation of integrated land management plans, (c) introduction of small-scale irrigation infrastructure supported by high-efficiency off-grid solar photovoltaic (PV) as well as protection and use of water resources, (d) forest ecosystem rehabilitation and restoration, (e) establishment of demonstration farms to showcase climate-resilient farming, shelterbelts, and high-economic-value trees, (f) strengthening of resilience of communities; and (g) development of locality SLWM extension approaches. This component through various procurement methods finances technical assistance, training, investments, goods, works, services, and operational costs related to the promotion of wider adoption of community-based SLWM practices in forests and rangelands in the targeted communities.